Duetos Improváveis – All Together Now – Letra – Lyrics – Download
Esta é a letra da música All Together Now, utilizada pela Optimus nos duetos improváveis. Podem ver, ouvir e fazer download das músicas aqui, aqui, aqui e aqui. Para quem não sabe esta música é um original dos Beatles.
All Together Now
One, two, three, four
Can I have a little more?
five, six, seven eight nine ten I love you.
A, B, C, D
Can I bring my friend to tea?
E, F, G, H, I, J, I love you.
Boom, bam, boom
Boom, bam, boom
Sail the ship,
Boom, bam, boom
Chop the tree
Boom, bam, boom
Skip the rope,
Boom, bam, boom
Look at me
All together now…. (x16)
Black, white, green, red
Can I take my friend to bed?
Pink, brown, yellow orange and blue I love you
Sail the ship,
Boom, bam, boom
Chop the tree
Boom, bam, boom
Skip the rope,
Boom, bam, boom
Look at me
All together now….
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